Saturday, April 12, 2008

It was sooooo hot today

Man, it was hot today. Here in beautiful Westminster, it was 95 freaking degrees! So weird since last week it was in the 60's (which I consider cold). So thank goodness we have our 3 foot wide pool to keep cool in. Here's Luke checking out the temperature. After Luke went down for his nap, Penny and myself spent a good hour or so lounging in our own pretend paradise in the backyard.

Daddy, please build us one of these....


Leah Dozier said...

I want one too! We are actually in Atascadero right now on vacation with our kids, it was 90 degrees here so we went to Morro Bay where it was a cool 70.

Valentina Stier said...

Wow! I want one too! Where did you get the pix? Who's backyard is it and can we come over? Oh, about the legs- why don't you ask Timmy for a leg message? then take the motrin. Ha! xo

Katie said...

Yes! Please build them one! Then I can come over....

Jessica Stier said...

Hahaha! I've been getting excited because it has been in the 50's... It's APRIL. NO MORE SNOW!!!!!!!

So basically, I'm saying, "Enjoy it for me, Mandy."