Thursday, November 1, 2007

How he proposed...

Okay, I warned you this was boring, but get ready to start snoring. Well, after dating for a whole 3 months.... One night we were cuddling in Thorey's room (I don't know, she was out of town, and she had a bigger bed - What? ) and we were talking about how much we liked each other (how cute). I told him that I hoped he knew that if he ever got sick of me that he'd have to be the one to break it off, because I would never break up with him. He said that he'd never break up with me either. Then he said, "We should get married". And I said "Okay". And we were engaged. Exciting, huh? We were dead serious, and were married 3 months later.


Leah Dozier said...

Not boring, actually a really cute story. Obviously it all worked out!

Jessica Stier said...

When you know, you know!
Thanks for sharing!!!

KASEY said...

Ahhh, how sweet. By the way, I love that picture of Penny playing with Luke. Such a spunky little girl.

Thorey said...

I'm glad to have been a part of it, in some small way. I think that was the same bed I got engaged on, too.

Let's keep stories of getting engaged on beds to ourselves, though, and tell the kids someday that it was in a park or something like that. Then, when they're like 30, we tell them the truth and they all get their minds blown with the realization that their parents are real people. :)